Friday, March 9, 2012

Ghosts .

What do I actually believe in? Although people may argue this, i believe in the existence of ghosts. I believe that some souls don't automatically go into rest. There's always something that's keeping there spirit here on this Earth. I watch a lot of "A Haunting" and things like that so its seems pretty real to me. Iv'e had a couple of personal experiences myself. Every house iv'e lived in has had some type of non-human actions occurring.For example, when I was home alone fro about an hour or so, I felt something pull my hair. I sort of ignored it but then i started to hear like the shower turn on when it was off and the rub was completely dry.


  1. I don;t believe in Ghosts. One reason is because, first of all, human minds are liking working machines. When our body dies then our mind dies. When the mind is completely dried out, then thats when you are actually really gone.
    But! In my religion we believe there is only one place that we go to. Which is Hell. We burn Joss paper to out ancestors because we believe that there is another replica out this world were they are living. Burning paper is like mailing something to someone. Its due to respect and honor. Once a year, on there annual death date, we celebrate by putting foods around and offering it to or dead ancestors hoping that we could get good luck. Then we eat it like we are the dead souls. That's the Buddhist way of thinking that there are ghosts
    Ghosts might be real but they might not be. So I am on your side. I do believe in Ghosts and spirits. I believe y step grandfather is watching me, my grandma, and uncle right now.

  2. I watch that show too haha:] I agree with you Raquel there are things that happen that I can't explain and I don't think everyone moves on and they just roam around.

  3. I asked Raquel if she posted this and guess what she said? She said she hasn`t logged into her account for 3 weeks! CREEPY!!! You can ask her if you don`t believe me. :)
