Sunday, May 6, 2012

Perfect Animal

To me the perfect animal would have the following things to make it perfect.  It will be fluffy.  I think that all animals should be very fluffy and also soft.  I also think that it should be purple.  Not died the color purple, but to have the color as its natural fur color. It also would need to have big red eyes to make it seem evil and mean.  Although I would make sure that it wouldn’t be harmful at all.  I really think that it should be able to talk as well, but only when I want it to.  My perfect animal would be able to transform like into a car or an awesome toy.  Whether this animal is a male or female it must be named Harold.  That used to be the name of my pet rock until he died: it was a tragedy.  The animal that I want and think is perfect, may not exist and may never exist at all, but there could always be a stuffed one.  I certainly think that this would be the perfect real animal though.


  1. Oh my goodness! How did Harold die? He was the best pet! R.I.P Harold. Wow this sounds like a wild animal!

  2. What I did not know Harold died, I was his father :P.
