Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Leave the Drinking age at 21

There are two opinions in the debate about whether to lower the drinking age to eighteen. One side says yes the age should be lowered if you have a permit. They are basically saying in this side of the article is that, if you're educated and take classes you can drink. The other article/side says no. What they are saying is that more problems will be caused if you lowered it. That is completely true and i'm all for keeping the drinking the age at twenty one.
Reason #1
If you lower the age most likely their will be more deaths. If we can prevent that by keeping the age at twenty one why change it? Statistics say that raising the age to twenty one will save about eight hundred lives a year. That's a lot of people you can save. At eighteen you are still a kid! A lot of eighteen year old are still very new to driving. Drinking and driving just don't mix and this will happen if you lower the age.
Reason #2
Another reason why I agree on keeping the age at twenty one is that young kids will abuse the power of being able to drink at eighteen. When you are twenty one you usually look a certain way. If you lower the age, fourteen or sixteen year old can easily look eighteen. I'm sure some younger high school kids have friends who are eighteen and can get their hands on a beer. When you are twenty one you look more mature and hopefully act more mature and will be able to control the use of alcohol.
Counter Argument 
What I don't understand is the drinking learning permit. This is just a BIG waste of time. Like the article opposing keeping the age at twenty one said the DARE system isn't productive. How will they know these classes and permits will work? I could argue all day about this! People aren't going to go out of their way and spend money to get  this permit. Also, like I.D's some silly young kids are going to make fake drinking permits. It just won't work, to avoid all these problems just keep the drinking age at twenty one and everything will be all good.

If you want to learn more about this debate click here.

Picture By: Jill The Cakemaker

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