Monday, May 14, 2012

Lowering the drinking is is ridiculous!

Most People think the drinking age should be lowered to 18.They believe that since people already drink at an early age, it should just be legal. They dont just want the drinking age to be lowered, they want everyone to take classes and having a drinking permit. Thats just plain ridiculous! Theres no reason to lower the drinking age.
   If the drinking age is kept at 21, more lives will be saved. Lowering the age to 18 is just going to make 15,16 and 17 year olds think its OK fir them to drink just because their almost 18. Also, at 15, 16 you start to learn how to drive. Most likely if we lower the age, than more people are going to drink and drive. That might result in severe damage to them or other people. However, statistics say that since the drinking age was kept at 21, more than 800 lives have been saved.

   Studies show that when the drinking age was lowered to 18, there was a dramatic increase in alcohol consumption. However, when it was then raised back up to 21, the rates for alcohol use were dramatically lower. Hopefully, teens will soon get tired of getting in trouble so much for under-aged drinking that they might possibly stop. But, if we lower it to many younger kids will assume its OK to drink sooner. Thats not a good idea to allow younger kids to believe its just no big deal.

   Yes, lowering the drinking age will benifit some people, but its still not a good idea. Most people only drink to be cool because their "breaking a law", but lowering it wont really matter. Maybe some drink just to take their stress away, but drinking isn't the answer. That could just lead to depression. My point is, for everyones safety, the drinking age should just remain at 21.
By:Ben Amstutz

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