Thursday, May 10, 2012

DO NOT lower the drinking age!!

In houses and classrooms all over the world people debate if the drinking age should be lowered. One side of this argument states it should stay at 21 while others say it should be lowered to 18. This side that wants it to be lowered say "What we're doing now to prevent underage drinking isn't working; it's time to try something else." If the United States have a problem with underage drinking why would you lower the age? If the law would be enforced more the we wouldn't have a problem with underage drinking. Why lower the age of drinking when "there's no reason to fix what isn't broken." Researchers say "underage drinking has been steadily going down since the drinking age was raised to 21." Why would people lower it if the percentage of underage drinking is going down? According to statistics  "raising the drinking age to 21saves about  800 lives a year." Why lower the age when so many lives are being saved each year? "When younger people start to drink , if they combine it with  driving  it results in a lot of fatalities. 11% of teens are more likely to drink before age 14 than they are before the permitted age. More lives will be saved if the drinking age stays the same. Teens who drink tend to get in more fights and car crashes than the teen who doesn't drink. I think that lowering the age to 18 is a bad idea. By keeping the age at 21 will save more lives.

Picture by: Nickel xie

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