Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Unwritten Rules About Being the Best Daughter

To be the best daughter, is basically just a couple of things; you have to make sure you NEVER get in your parents hair, getting good/great grades, don't ask for too much, and just be quiet.

 Stay out of Mom and Dad's hair.
For you to stay out of Mom and Dad's hair, you really just not give attitude, not cause problems, don't give them a reason to yell at you, and DON'T draw attention to yourself.

 getting good/great grades
People think its so hard to get straight A's but really it's more work to get F's! All you have to do to get A's is pay attention and do your homework THAT'S IT! So another rule to be the perfect daughter is for you to get good or great grades!

 Don't ask for too much
You don't want to ask for too much because if you do they will just tell  you straight out no. You also don't wanna ask for too much because if you do then they will start getting a little pissed off. so keep clear of that.

 Be quiet
You want to be quiet because if you ever just say one thing parents get ticked off, so you're better off just not saying anything.

So that's the UNWRITTEN RULES for being the best daughter!

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