Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fur-Wearer Beware

Ohio animal-rights activists offered $850 for anyone interested in killing fur wearers for her. She posted on her Facebook saying, "I would like to create an online community on Facebook whi8ch [sic] would allow me to find someone who is willing to kill someone wearing fur toward the end of October 2011 or early November 2011 or possibly in January 2012 or February 2012 at the latest,".

I mean, really? What kind of idea is that? ``I am going to kill someone just cause they wear fur and wearing fur means killing animals``. That is so stupid! It`s kind of ironic that she wants to save animals but she is killing people that are killing animals.

You can`t kill everyone who hurts an animal! People eat animals like chicken, beef, pork, turkey, and etc. You can`t kill them all! And its a dumb idea to kill them too. Protest or something.

I understand that some animals are becoming extinct so try to save the ones that are almost over the edge.

It`s crazy what people can do these days just to get their way.

To Find Out More Click Here (the quotes I used were also from that link)


  1. These animal rights extremists really do swim in the shallow end of the brain pool. More like brain puddle. Actually, more like brain dry lake bed.

    "You hurt a living creature. Now you must die."

    It would be hilarious if it weren't so stupid.

  2. ``Brain dry lake bed.`` Funny English Answer Man.

    The picture of the lady on the web page actually scared me at first. Her lashes are kind of creppy.

    Some people just don`t know their limits.
