Monday, October 3, 2011

Making the World a Nicer Place

      America, look at our country, it's getting out if control! We need to make the world a better place. And to do that we have to help it along. The way I am going to help our country is by telling people they look good today. This should bust people’s confidence and make them feel good. People these days, aren’t very nice, they are rude, ignorant, and self centered. But, I’m going to change that. If I do this every day, I believe I should be making people’s days happier. That’s how I’ll help make the world a better place.


  1. Giving people compliments is perfect, I agree with you about it boosting up the self confidence too!! But I also say the "rude, ignorant, people" would probably take it as you being sarcastic. Other than that it sounds perfect go for it. Your comments could really make a big difference in a persons life and you wouldn't even know it...

  2. Yes that's true. Boosting confidence is another way of being nice! When you tell someone they have good "S.w.w.a.g" they feel better about themselves!(:
