Friday, November 11, 2011

The Great Wussification

I think the Great Debate is a really silly thing. If you want America to be ready for anything you should try and stop the wimpification of the next generation. We should not ban games like dodgeball or tag. That is just so silly. I understand that kids can get hurt but that's part of life and growing up.

What kind of person would say that Simon Says is a bad game. I believe its childish but you can't give you child or student the false feeling of winning. Its just wrong! When they grow up they will not always win, sometimes they will have no choice but to loose. A lot of kids might never win so why make them feel like they are winners. I know it sounds wrong but its not wrong. What is wrong is to give your child a false feeling and then letting them find out the truth the hard way.

Banning all this kind of stuff will just be really stupid. Dodgeball is not a bad game but kids need to learn to how to handle loosing because there will be times when they have to loose not matter what. In dodgeball people can get hurt but most of the times the teachers don't allow their students to throw higher then three feet or only hit peoples legs. Some kids do get hit in the head sometimes but not that badly hurt. At my old school our coach would take out students if they hit another student in the head or face. So automatically they loose.

I think this whole thing is an open and shut case because there is no point in banning little games like tag and dodgeball. If you want your kids to little tenderized veal medallions might as well keep them at home where they would not get hurt. Physical Education is all about being tough and healthy so you can handle life later on. This whole thing is a waste of time for everyone. Whoever started this end it because it is really silly.

1 comment:

  1. "At my old school our coach would take out students if they hit another student in the head or face. So automatically they loose."

    This is a good point that is not often brought up. There are restrictions we can put on the game so that it is not a free-for-all game of "murder ball," as some have coined it. It seems like only an irresponsible teacher would let the game get out of hand in the way that some of the anti-dodgeball folks have portrayed it.

    At the same time, what would you say to the argument that the kids who need exercise the most are the ones who get eliminated first? Then they are the ones sitting around, which sort of defeats the purpose of PE.
