Tuesday, April 3, 2012

the unwritten rules of stalking

You're going to have to get a lot information on the person. Obviously stalkers know things, that's because they take the time to find everything about you that they can. You should probably stalk the persons facebook and twitter as well because many people give out information on there.

When you watch the person you should be very observant. You're going to have to be willing to follow the person and like look in their windows. You probably shouldn't get caught doing that but it would be really funny if someone did. Seriously though you have to like follow the person and watch them.

Try your best not to get caught. The best way to stalk someone is probably thought the internet. You will be able to read things. I think that was why Facebook was created so you can easily be stalked.

There are people who get caught stalking and that will most likely happen if you try stalking someone, that's why you shouldn't. It is just really stupid to stalk famous people too the paparazzi already does that; so if you don't get caught by the person you'll probably get caught by a photographer. It's still funny when to follow a random person and when they see you just start acting crazy just to creep out. You probably shouldn't actually stalk somebody though I pretty sure someone can send you to jail for it.


  1. But if it is a family member who is hiding from you for a certain amount of time...then yes...(told from an experience)

  2. If they're hiding you can't stalk them because you don't know where they are, and they probably don't want to be found.

  3. I found them once...at a supermarket :D
