Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Holocaust...Jews were Blamed for NO Reason

Way before Hitler came to power the Jewish group of people was already being blamed for thing they did not do. It started out a little like this and then turned in to the Holocaust.

Germany was going through hard economic time and people were losing jobs. A lot people were poor and living on streets. The Jewish however, held their jobs and were doing much better than most Germans. They had good jobs and enough money. So they were blamed for ``taking``   the Germans rightful jobs.

Another reason they were blamed was because of the Black Death. A time period in which a lot of Europeans were dying and nobody knew why. The Jewish on the other hand had better hygene and were less prone to get sick and were doing better than the rest. There were hate for Jews (anti-semitism) way before Hitler came to power.

Before Hitler came to power he was making speeches and getting people to follow his ideas. He was good at convincing people and making speeches. Of course in all of this Hitler needed a cause of the problem, the main source, and so the Jews were blamed.

Later when Hitler came to power he did what he had promised to do and started eliminating the Jews. He marked them with yellow stars, like the one shown above, to make the job easier. He started concentration camps and all these STUPID programs to kill Jews.

I think the Holocaust could have never happened and was a big blow out for nothing. Hitler could have blamed the government for the economic depression, not the Jews. He could have been remembered as the big hero than the big loser he is considered.

Photo By: Corrie ten Boom Museum   


  1. Even this is extremely sad this is my favorite thing to learn about in History. I find it the most easy to pay attention to. I just don't get how he could have convinced the mind of millions of people to believe Jews are horrible. It's so sad. He was a very unsympathetic man with much power.

  2. I never knew about the holocaust until I read this. Great Information you got there

  3. Thanks guys.

    Amanda you are so right. He could have save them instead. If he only knew he was never going to win, he could have been the big hero.

    I think he was a good man who thought he would be ``popular`` if he eliminated the ``most hated``.

    1. He was a Jew Himself, they found out when he died....killing his own kind
