Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Unwritten Rules about Going to the Movies

I love to go to the movies! You probably now most of these already, but here are some unwritten rules.:]
Choosing the right Movie
Usually you learn about movies from the commercials or the computer. If you didn't notice this they usually show the good parts of the movie and so the whole movie might not be as good as the trailers. To avoid this from happening look for reviews of the movie you want to see, the best movie review website I like to go to is rotten tomatoes to look at this website click here. There are so many more websites and other sources to use to look for reviews like magazines,newspapers, and tv. If you are taking young kids to a movie and want to check the rating, I recommend looking up the movie, check the rating, and see why it's rated Pg-13 or R for your child. You could do this as well on rotten tomatoes. Just make sure to pick a movie that has everything for everyone so, you don't get you and your guest bored.:}
Getting the Tickets
For any movie you see I recommend getting the tickets earlier then the time for the movie showing. This prevents lines, no seats, and worst of all if the movie is sold out. You especially need to do this when you are going to a midnight showing. When I went to the Hunger Games midnight premiere I got my tickets like a week ahead. I was really lucky they just let me right in to the theater without a wait. There were lines going around the theater of people waiting because they got there tickets that day. So be prepared!:]
Picking the right Seats
You need to get the right to watch the wonderful movie you're going to watch! Get to the theater early to prevent a crowded theater. You don't want to get the seats right in front so you need to stare up at the screen the whole time and hurt your neck. Personally I go for the higher seats and I try to sit in the middle of the row, so you have a perfect view of the whole screen. If you can try to look at the future people you might be sitting next to and see if they are talking a lot or munching really loud on their food this will prevent future irritations during the movie.
Get Snacks
You want to enjoy the movie right and I always enjoy myself when I'm eating, so why not do both! Who doesn't love popcorn.:} The only tip I have for this is try not to get anything really loud so you are not begging the people next to you.

The most important rule is to enjoy the movie. Laugh when you need to laugh, cry when you need to cry or get scared when you need to get scared. Just have fun and get excited for it!
Photo By: m4tik


  1. Hay that is mean amanda. You should get slapped with a noodle.....
    good post hailey, but to much smile faces......

    1. Everyone needs some smile in there posts thanks though:}:]:}

  2. Good post Hailey! What are you talking about Martin?

    1. You know what you meant... That was very mean of you. Know you will be eaten by a Chubby Asian Bird....

  3. hey you took it off. That is not fair:[

  4. What are you talking about Martin?

  5. HEY STOP!!!!!!!! you are making me look like a chubby asian bird amanda.......... you will not get away with this :[

  6. Nice post Hailey! And martin8 STOP SPAMING!!! I am not trying to be mean or anything but this is Hailey`s post. And you are just commenting for no reason. So please if you don`t have anything to say about the post they don`t say it.

    (You can argue with Amanda in class)

    1. Hazel you do not understand. Amanda put something mean, then took it of, know I look dumb............
