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Sunday, November 4, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Word September means ``seven``, Then Why is September the Ninth Month?

We take the predictability of the calendar for granted. But we may have felt differently if we were living under the rule of Julius Caeser.
September was the seventh month of the ancient Roman calender. The time before Julius Caeser the calenders began with March. But when Caeser took control he moved the calander and January was the first month. You can kind of figure this out because the word part ``nov`` means nine and ``oct`` means eight ``dec`` means ten
The month of July is named after Julius Caeser. The word Julius means ``july`` in Latin.
So the next time someone asks you what the first month of the year is, its best to say ``Is that a trick question?``
Friday, June 1, 2012
It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun.
"A new chapter in our live's are beginning. So turn the page and find out what happens next."
Well, Junior High has been the best 2 school years of my life. Look how far all of us have come. I will truly miss everything junior high has to offer. Yes, I am (sorta) happy to move on to the next level of school and discover what this world has left to offer, but I am scared too. High school will be so much different and from what I hear from family is that it is better than junior high. As life goes on, it gets harder each step you take, but nothing can take place of the best 2 years of my life.
Thanks to all the friends that have helped me through the obstacles that I faced. I care about every single person in period 5 English. Even though some of us might have some of the same classes together, it will not be the same. English was one of my favorite classes that I looked forward to every day. So thanks English answer man for all the things you taught. You really made English fun and easy to learn. I appreciate the things that you have taught me. Thanks for having us blog too. I have really enjoyed blogging. It is fun and something that I can become better at. Just look at all the old posts and you can see how much everyone has improved.
I will also miss the blogs. I will miss all the funny posts. (Like Martin's posts on noodles and chubby Asian birds :D) Blogging has been a great experience and I will try to continue the blog weekly during the summer. Thank you everyone for making this year the best year ever! I hope everyone has an AMAZING summer.
Thank you fellow classmates.
Thank you English Answer Man for everything!
I appreciate you all.
Good luck to everyone who is starting a new chapter in your life.
Goodbye Junior High
"Every goodbye makes the next hello closer."
"How lucky I am to have known people who was so hard to say goodbye to."
"Where is the “good” in goodbye?"
P.S. Writing this post made me sad. Be prepared I am going to cry on the last day of school! :(
Love you all. ~Amanda~
Photo by: Me
Well, Junior High has been the best 2 school years of my life. Look how far all of us have come. I will truly miss everything junior high has to offer. Yes, I am (sorta) happy to move on to the next level of school and discover what this world has left to offer, but I am scared too. High school will be so much different and from what I hear from family is that it is better than junior high. As life goes on, it gets harder each step you take, but nothing can take place of the best 2 years of my life.
Thanks to all the friends that have helped me through the obstacles that I faced. I care about every single person in period 5 English. Even though some of us might have some of the same classes together, it will not be the same. English was one of my favorite classes that I looked forward to every day. So thanks English answer man for all the things you taught. You really made English fun and easy to learn. I appreciate the things that you have taught me. Thanks for having us blog too. I have really enjoyed blogging. It is fun and something that I can become better at. Just look at all the old posts and you can see how much everyone has improved.
I will also miss the blogs. I will miss all the funny posts. (Like Martin's posts on noodles and chubby Asian birds :D) Blogging has been a great experience and I will try to continue the blog weekly during the summer. Thank you everyone for making this year the best year ever! I hope everyone has an AMAZING summer.
Thank you fellow classmates.
Thank you English Answer Man for everything!
I appreciate you all.
Good luck to everyone who is starting a new chapter in your life.
Goodbye Junior High
"Every goodbye makes the next hello closer."
"How lucky I am to have known people who was so hard to say goodbye to."
"Where is the “good” in goodbye?"
P.S. Writing this post made me sad. Be prepared I am going to cry on the last day of school! :(
Love you all. ~Amanda~
Photo by: Me
How to Survive a Heartbreak!!
When you get your heart broken you defiantly need to have a sleep over. Some people say sleep overs are dumb and pointless but you need to get your depression out on something. And nothing is better then having your girls over and kick back watching movies!
When you go to the mall there are all kinds of super cute guys!<3 (sometimes) (; But it's VERY rear to find cute guys. But anyway, you go to the mall to hang with friends and to get numbers to make your ex jealous!(: Also, you go to the mall so you can go and shop for stuff to show him that he don't faze you!
I eat CHOCOLATE when I'm depressed from a heartbreak 'cause I don't know, it just makes me feel somewhat better. Actually, chocolate has the chemicals to make you feel the feeling of love, which I need. I know, I know I'll get fat but I go running everyday so I'll be good.
You wanna hang with your homies around him because then he will see what he is missing!! You may think what the heck why would I hang with friends soo much, well the answer is that you want them around so you're not so sad and crying over some dumb guy! obviously, he didn't love you because if he did he wouldn't have let you go!!
Music is the center of the world! You need to just lock yourself in your room and jam to your favorite bands and rock out. Music helps you clear your mind of every thing and makes you happy. When I'm sad and depressed I listen to Falling In Reverse with my best friend Gabbie! And I wanna make a shout out tell Gabbie I LOVE YOU AND YOU'RE THE BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD!!<3
How To Survive Living in a House With 12 People!!!!
So, your uncle's house is getting remodeled for Christmas and they don't want to rent a hotel room. Your mom wants to have a kind heart for for the holidays and invite them to stay with you. There's only one problem, you only live with your mom and two other sisters and eight people, (uncle, aunt, four cousins, and grandparents) are going to live with you temporarily.
Keep To Your Self
Your sisters are excited to be living with your cousins, yay for them. You on the other hand aren't to excited because you know each and every single one of them, and how they act. One of your cousins might always be irritated, and your aunt might be a crazy psycho when it comes to cleaning. The only way to avoid these things is to keep to your self. When you get home put your shoes where they go and go into your room, or else there is going to be a problem. Don't worry about anyone else but yourself, don't go into other's business, and especially don't touch anyone's things. If you stick to this then you should be Ok, for a while.
Clean Up After Yourself
When twelve people are living in your house there IS going to be a big mess, most of the time. The sink will be filled with every dish you own, you will be missing clothes, (and then one day see your aunt wearing your favorite shirt), and your room will be a tornado. The only way to avoid this is to clean up after your self. When your done with a dish, wash it. When your room is a mess, clean it, and try to keep it that way. If you see someone's shirt in your closet, return it. It's not that hard, you just have to be organized and responsible.
Hide Your Stuff
Even though cleaned your room and everything is organized you might find something missing, and with three first and second graders that is definitively going to happen. If you have money I would suggest to keep it on you all the time, never leave it at home. If it's over 50 dollars i would have your mom or dad take it. It would be too much a risk to take it to school. If you find anything missing, look again and if you don't find it, look again, and if you still don't find it, look again. There might be a possibility that you didn't look right and if you don't find it after a couple times, then you have to investigate.
Now, when you investigate don't just scream, "Where's my money!!! Who took it!!", that will cause problems. Go to the little kids first because they will tell you right away, but if they don't, don't worry you still have a lot of people. When you investigate just act normal, and have a conversation with someone and then just gradually ask if they've seen it. If they hesitate then you just found your first suspect, but don't get to excited you have to investigate every single person. When you have some suspects ask them each again and trust me you will know who it is by the end of the day.
Control Your Temper
Yay!! You found out who had your money and it was your mom. She didn't want anyone to take it, so she took it. You're so embarrassed so you act in anger and scream and yell at your mom. So then your psycho aunt tells you to stop, but then you yell back at her, and it just turns ugly. This is what you shouldn't do. Don't yell, don't scream, and don't accidentally kick your aunt in the knee. When these times come, just say sorry and go into your room and fall asleep, it does help.
When You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say Don't Say it
After a couple of weeks, and after kicking you aunt there might be a lot of tension in the house. Whenever you see anyone you just want to slap them, I feel you, but you can't do that. No matter how much you want to tell someone something, (something that would be so inappropriate, that I can't show it here on the internet) just don't talk to them. Now there's no way to avoid them since you live with them, so just don't talk. When you see them watching there favorite show, which happens to be a show you hate, just walk away. That's all you have to do because if you say something that will cause more family drama, and you don't want that.
Remember these things because you don't know when you might have to live in a house with 12 people. I know I needed them.
Photo Credit: tankgrrl
Clean Up After Yourself
When twelve people are living in your house there IS going to be a big mess, most of the time. The sink will be filled with every dish you own, you will be missing clothes, (and then one day see your aunt wearing your favorite shirt), and your room will be a tornado. The only way to avoid this is to clean up after your self. When your done with a dish, wash it. When your room is a mess, clean it, and try to keep it that way. If you see someone's shirt in your closet, return it. It's not that hard, you just have to be organized and responsible.
Hide Your Stuff
Even though cleaned your room and everything is organized you might find something missing, and with three first and second graders that is definitively going to happen. If you have money I would suggest to keep it on you all the time, never leave it at home. If it's over 50 dollars i would have your mom or dad take it. It would be too much a risk to take it to school. If you find anything missing, look again and if you don't find it, look again, and if you still don't find it, look again. There might be a possibility that you didn't look right and if you don't find it after a couple times, then you have to investigate.
Now, when you investigate don't just scream, "Where's my money!!! Who took it!!", that will cause problems. Go to the little kids first because they will tell you right away, but if they don't, don't worry you still have a lot of people. When you investigate just act normal, and have a conversation with someone and then just gradually ask if they've seen it. If they hesitate then you just found your first suspect, but don't get to excited you have to investigate every single person. When you have some suspects ask them each again and trust me you will know who it is by the end of the day.
Control Your Temper
Yay!! You found out who had your money and it was your mom. She didn't want anyone to take it, so she took it. You're so embarrassed so you act in anger and scream and yell at your mom. So then your psycho aunt tells you to stop, but then you yell back at her, and it just turns ugly. This is what you shouldn't do. Don't yell, don't scream, and don't accidentally kick your aunt in the knee. When these times come, just say sorry and go into your room and fall asleep, it does help.
When You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say Don't Say it
After a couple of weeks, and after kicking you aunt there might be a lot of tension in the house. Whenever you see anyone you just want to slap them, I feel you, but you can't do that. No matter how much you want to tell someone something, (something that would be so inappropriate, that I can't show it here on the internet) just don't talk to them. Now there's no way to avoid them since you live with them, so just don't talk. When you see them watching there favorite show, which happens to be a show you hate, just walk away. That's all you have to do because if you say something that will cause more family drama, and you don't want that.
Remember these things because you don't know when you might have to live in a house with 12 people. I know I needed them.
Photo Credit: tankgrrl
How to survive an alien invasion
Even though an alien invasion most likely won’t happen I still think people should be prepared. This is how I think you can survive an alien invasion.
Step 1: Have a Weapon.
Obviously weapons are very dangerous and people should not play with them, but if there were an alien invasion I think it would be fine for people to have weapons. You can even make your own weapons. Some people know how to make guns and cannons, ut the simplest thing you could make would probably be a shank. They are not that hard and you may not even have to make one you could just use something sharp to stab the extra-terrestrials.
Step 2: Stay as calm as possible
If somebody actually saw an alien they probably wouldn’t be able to keep themselves calm in fact they may even have an anxiety attack. It may be hard to do but you will have to keep yourselves as calm as possible. If you are not calm you won’t know what is going on and won’t be able to keep yourself safe. You must stay as calm as possible so the aliens don’t get you and kill you.
Step 3: Have a safe house.
Some people have safe houses in case of an emergency, but if you don’t have one I guess you could chill in a Wal-Mart or a basement. It would just be better if you had a safe house it will lower your chances of dying. The place I would have a safe house would be underground in the middle of the woods somewhere. The safe house would also have to e packed with all the supplies you will need to live on, for at least a year. It is probably scary in the woods because of evil animals, unknown animals, and psycho killers, but I would rather be in the middle of nowhere with all the supplies I need then in front of an alien.
Step 4: Try to make friends with an extra-terrestrial
This is one of the things that I wouldn’t try to do but it may help you stay alive is to befriend an alien. It could go either way the alien may allow this or it will kill you and then go for your family.
Step 5: Act like an alien
This is really kind of stupid because you still might die, but you could act like an alien. Maybe if you get an alien costume and put goo all over yourself you could be an alien. The people would notice that your in a costume but aliens are stupid so they wouldn’t find out.
It is good to be prepared like my cousin. He is convinced that there is going to be a zombie apocalypse, so he and his weirdo friends are making weapons and figuring out their plans. These things probably won’t happen, but it is always good to have a plan.
Tal Pinchevsky
Tal Pinchevsky
Thursday, May 31, 2012
How to Survive a Crazy Family Night.
It is a Saturday night and you're stuck at your grandma's house for a crazy family birthday party. You are about to have the loudest night of your life.
Don't be afraid to be too loud.
With my family there is no such thing as quiet. When I am with them we laugh and have a good time with eachother. When you are with your family you can never be too loud. As my grandma says "the louder the better." "If a family is noisy it is a sign that they all love each other."
Have a good time.
A lot of people look at family time as something that is boring. It's not! Being with your family can be a lot of fun for everyone. Don't be boring and be the person on the side who thinks you're too cool to be playing games with your family. Participate! I guarantee that you will have a fun time. "Family and having a great time go together well."
Don't Fight.
No matter how much your family bugs you sometimes never argue or start an argument. If you fight with your sister, brother, mom, dad, ETC, there will be tension and in result will be a boring night. Even if they do something to make you mad don't do or say anything back, this could ruin a perfect night. "The true triumph of reason is that it enables us to get along with those who do not possess it.”
Don't Be Embarrassed by Them.
If you are going out somewhere with your family, try not to get embarrassed by them. I know from first hand experience that parents love to make their child embarrassed. For some odd reason they find pleasure in making their child's face turn red. But whatever you do don't act embarrassed. Once they know you are embarrassed by them they do more to make you mad. Just don't show how embarrassed you actually are.
Families can be hectic sometimes. But if you try to follow these steps your embarrassing family that you don't want to be seen in public with might just be a little more fun.
Picture by: Yasin Hassan
Don't be afraid to be too loud.
With my family there is no such thing as quiet. When I am with them we laugh and have a good time with eachother. When you are with your family you can never be too loud. As my grandma says "the louder the better." "If a family is noisy it is a sign that they all love each other."
Have a good time.
A lot of people look at family time as something that is boring. It's not! Being with your family can be a lot of fun for everyone. Don't be boring and be the person on the side who thinks you're too cool to be playing games with your family. Participate! I guarantee that you will have a fun time. "Family and having a great time go together well."
Don't Fight.
No matter how much your family bugs you sometimes never argue or start an argument. If you fight with your sister, brother, mom, dad, ETC, there will be tension and in result will be a boring night. Even if they do something to make you mad don't do or say anything back, this could ruin a perfect night. "The true triumph of reason is that it enables us to get along with those who do not possess it.”
Don't Be Embarrassed by Them.
If you are going out somewhere with your family, try not to get embarrassed by them. I know from first hand experience that parents love to make their child embarrassed. For some odd reason they find pleasure in making their child's face turn red. But whatever you do don't act embarrassed. Once they know you are embarrassed by them they do more to make you mad. Just don't show how embarrassed you actually are.
Families can be hectic sometimes. But if you try to follow these steps your embarrassing family that you don't want to be seen in public with might just be a little more fun.
How To Survive Being A Girl
If your a girl then you know how many complications us girls have. Even guys know not to mess with a girl. We have our periods, developing parts, bad hair days, boys to deal with, and our necessity is our make-up and clothes.
That Time of The Month
Developing Parts
Clothes and Make-up
Clothes! We are always in competition with other girls on whos clothes are prettier. We HAVE to match all the time or we will die! Not literally but we take our clothing very seriously. If what we wear is complimented or if its not cute than we feel insecure. We ALWAYS feel insecure about something no matter what it is. Same with make-up. If you are the type of girl who likes to "cake" your face with make-up than you NEED your make-up at all times. If even one simple thing like mascara is missing we might possibly cry or throw a tantrum. Mascara, eyeliner, compact, foundation, and blush are our basic needs. It must be name brand to, it cant be cheap make-up. Yes, other girls will go into extreme and buy two of each or just buy more types of make-up, but hey thats what makes us feel pretty. No one should judge how a girl looks wth or without make-up.
ByHelga Weber
That Time of The Month
When it's a girls "time of the month" you should NEVER mess with her. The bleeding is just isnt the most satisfying. Us girls have major mood swings! Boys, don't even try to play around with her when she's on her period. She will backhand you if you even touch her. Best thing to do is just stay out of her hair. Try to do something nice for her though, she will remember that and maybe do something for you in return later on in life. The main thing is just don;t even touch or get near a girl.
Unlike boys, girls develop a growth in more body parts. Our breasts develop more and girl start to get more confident in themselves. Don't stare to much or she will assume you are a perverted rapist. Yes, some girls like to expose themselves more but, for the most part girl can also get really insecure if you stare at her to much. Not to be nasty but yes, us girls do get pubic hair in the lower area. If a guy tries to expose her in anyway, it will haunt her for the rest of her life. No one wants to that to be seen nor does that want to be seen.
When its obvious that a girl is having a bad hair day, DONT point it out! You will never hear the end of it. If you notice her hair is bad, keep your comment to yourself. If so many people tell a girl her hair is messed up she will and she a;ready knows, than she knows its more noticeable than she'll thought and it will get to her. All girls care about is how pretty their hair is. We like to look good to impress people, so if it doesnt look good its a really big deal! Always compliment a girl no matter how bad it looks. They will never except the compliment but inside it makes them feel good.
Boys are the most complicated human beings ever! We have to deal with guys who are JERKS but because their cute we always fall for them and take them back. Guys play with girls emotions like its nothing. We of course just have to deal with it. Guys dont know how much heartbreak we go through when they cheat. To them its like you messed up once now so can I, but the thing is they do it more than once. They dont care or understand how we feel. My suggestion is just be faithful. Our lives would be SO much easier. Do nice things for her here and there, that will show the girl that you actually care and are making an effort to keep your relationship. Spending a few extra dollars wont kill you. Just all a girl can ask is for you to show you care and not to make it seem as if your ashamed to be with them. However, a big NO is when all a guy wants is sex! NEVER try to pressure her. You could lose her.
Clothes and Make-up
Clothes! We are always in competition with other girls on whos clothes are prettier. We HAVE to match all the time or we will die! Not literally but we take our clothing very seriously. If what we wear is complimented or if its not cute than we feel insecure. We ALWAYS feel insecure about something no matter what it is. Same with make-up. If you are the type of girl who likes to "cake" your face with make-up than you NEED your make-up at all times. If even one simple thing like mascara is missing we might possibly cry or throw a tantrum. Mascara, eyeliner, compact, foundation, and blush are our basic needs. It must be name brand to, it cant be cheap make-up. Yes, other girls will go into extreme and buy two of each or just buy more types of make-up, but hey thats what makes us feel pretty. No one should judge how a girl looks wth or without make-up.
ByHelga Weber

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