Friday, June 1, 2012

How to survive an alien invasion

Even though an alien invasion most likely won’t happen I still think people should be prepared.  This is how I think you can survive an alien invasion.

Step 1: Have a Weapon.
Obviously weapons are very dangerous and people should not play with them, but if there were an alien invasion I think it would be fine for people to have weapons.  You can even make your own weapons.  Some people know how to make guns and cannons, ut the simplest thing you could make would probably be a shank.  They are not that hard and you may not even have to make one you could just use something sharp to stab the extra-terrestrials.

Step 2: Stay as calm as possible
If somebody actually saw an alien they probably wouldn’t be able to keep themselves calm in fact they may even have an anxiety attack.  It may be hard to do but you will have to keep yourselves as calm as possible.  If you are not calm you won’t know what is going on and won’t be able to keep yourself safe.  You must stay as calm as possible so the aliens don’t get you and kill you.

Step 3: Have a safe house.
Some people have safe houses in case of an emergency, but if you don’t have one I guess you could chill in a Wal-Mart or a basement.  It would just be better if you had a safe house it will lower your chances of dying.  The place I would have a safe house would be underground in the middle of the woods somewhere.  The safe house would also have to e packed with all the supplies you will need to live on, for at least a year.  It is probably scary in the woods because of evil animals, unknown animals, and psycho killers, but I would rather be in the middle of nowhere with all the supplies I need then in front of an alien.

Step 4: Try to make friends with an extra-terrestrial
This is one of the things that I wouldn’t try to do but it may help you stay alive is to befriend an alien.  It could go either way the alien may allow this or it will kill you and then go for your family.

Step 5: Act like an alien
This is really kind of stupid because you still might die, but you could act like an alien.  Maybe if you get an alien costume and put goo all over yourself you could be an alien.  The people would notice that your in a costume but aliens are stupid so they wouldn’t find out.

It is good to be prepared like my cousin. He is convinced that there is going to be a zombie apocalypse, so he and his weirdo friends are making weapons and figuring out their plans. These things probably won’t happen, but it is always good to have a plan.

Tal Pinchevsky

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Well Janie..umm...this will come in handy when I am about to be abducted by aliens. Thanks for the help!
