Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Journal #1

Q: Why do we sometimes not like people who are really good at things, like sports, music, art, or school? Is this fair? Are adults like this?

A: We sometimes do not like the people who are really good at things because we may think they are better than us. We may not like them because they can do things we can't. It's not always fair, it's not fair when people people say they like someone more or think they're better than everyone because they are good at something. It is fair when you appreciate and give them credit because they try hard and put lots of effort to get better at what they are already good at. It is fair but sometimes it isn't most people will probably say it isn't though. There are many adults who are also like this. Some adults like or dislike someone because they are good at something. Most people whether they are adults or children can't put up with the fact that the other person is better than them and that they suck; so the only way for them to deal with it is to envy the other person.

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