Monday, May 14, 2012

The drinking age should stay at 21!

    The current drinking age is at 21, but their is some dispute going on about it. Some people think that the drinking age should be lowered to 18, which is completely ridiculous.
   In the 1970s the drinking age was lowered to 18 in some states, and the use of alcohol was increased. When the drinking age was raised back up to 21 in all fifty states in 1984 the use of alcohol was decreased. Why would you lower the age when it's perfectly fine? Like I said before the use of alcohol decreased when the age was raised and it's stood the same since. You are also allowed to drive when your sixteen, think about it, most 16 year olds want to be free and do what they want, like drinking. I'm not saying all 16 year olds drink, but 16 is an age of craziness. Some are smart and wait until they are 21, but if the drinking age is lowered to 18 teens will think, "I might as well start drinking now because the drinking age is now 18 and I'm only two years away!"
     Teens start to drive at 16 too, and most people know that drinking and driving is NOT a good combination! More accidents will happen and lives will be lost. I know I'm a teen, but i would rather wait until in 21 to drink instead of getting in an accident and getting hurt!!
   If the drinking age is lowered to 18, smart teenagers will say, "Oh, I'll just wait until I'm 18, it's only two years away!" That is a smart idea, but 18 is also a year of craziness. I believe that is the age is lowered it is a lose-lose situation. So the drinking age should stay at 21!

Photo Credit: Mike "Dakinewavamon"  Kline

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